More packaging science to achieve value chain resilience is needed – watch this 90 second video to learn more. As always, please reach outwith any questions!
I'm joining Bob Lilienfeld in the Sustainable Packaging Research, Information, and Networking Group (SPRING). This subject matter
panel is available to answer your questions with facts and fact-based opinions regarding the sustainability of packaging. SPRING’s goal is to help policymakers, the media, business leaders, and public thought leaders make effective decisions. Learn more>
I was thrilled to join the panel of experts talking about rethinking the concept of "waste" – and how active and intelligent packaging can facilitate waste reduction. Watch the Replay
September 22
My session "Packaging Science of Confections is Sweet" will explore the current and future packaging science of confections, including shelf-life considerations, the selection of packaging materials, and package design. Register today>
September 29
Join me for a packaging innovation session on scalable options to reduce food loss and waste. Learn more>
Packaging science and value chain expertise is needed to switch materials.
This past month, I have guided switching to more sustainable packaging - by predicting the required OTR and MVTR barrier and “fit for use” mechanical properties - for 5 different categories. The next step? Destroy roadblocks - by defining value chain modifications and balancing needed – to speed implementation.
Reach out if you would like to hear about this process.
If you'd like to learn more on important topics like these and their potential impact on your business please call 612.807.5341 or email me.