You know the old saying “you have to spend money to save money" – boy is it true. PTR is under renovation, what about your business? Now’s the time to invest IN your business!
The available technology in the market that will truly revolutionize packaging operations is astounding. The trick is to get the RIGHT technology – the one that aligns with what customers want AND what you sell. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Rather you have to leverage it differently.
Ironically, the best way to be different is rely on "old" technology – the Value Chain. The value chain has built in agility– providing you the opportunity to focus of what provides meaningful innovation.
Best part is, you are not alone. I’m here to help you – everyday, I work with companies big and small to maximize ROI of the value chain. To discuss how the value chain can change your business email/ call 612-807-5341 me.
As I invest in my business, I'm proud to announce Dr. Ziynet Boz has joined my team! Please join me in welcoming her! – Claire
AVAILABLE: Technical Evaluations
Hottest Trends * Competitive Intelligence * Actionable Direction
The “The Future of Food Packaging Is Personal” will affect your business. Check out my latest article in Food Technology in your print copy of the magazine or visit my website.
If your company needs help with design for the circular economy, let’s connect! Call me at 612-807-5341
Dr. Ziynet Boz, Associate Research Consultant
Associate Research Consultant, Packaging Technology and Research, LLC
Postdoctoral Researcher, Univ of Florida, Packaging Engineering
- Industry Update - Let's connect in Chicago on Monday! Sustainability In Packaging US 2018: Packaging Reducing Food Waste Panel Discussion
March 12, Chicago, IL
Join me as pac Director Rachel Morier and I discuss how sustainable packaging can actually help elongate the life of food. The answer is not always about reducing packaging! Learn more>
Nutrient Loss as a Function of Packaging, Processing and Food Waste
June 19-22, Zhuhai, China
I’ll be presenting recent research on Nutrient and food waste as a function of minimal fresh produce processing, canning, aseptic, MATS, HPP, PL, and other emerging processes and packaging for three different types of commodities were determined. This work serves as a guide for decision makers to select more sustainable processing/packaging and as a template for the revitalization of research on the impact of processing and packaging on food and nutrient loss to obtain a more sustainable nutrient rich food supply. Learn more>
Future of Food Packaging
July 15-18, Chicago, IL
Dr Sunil Mangalassary and I have put together a great symposia - Future of Food Packaging - for IFT
Future of active food packaging – Sunil Mangalassary, Associate Professor & Coordinator, California State University, Los Angeles
Future of intelligent packaging – Claire Sand, CEO, Packaging Technology and Research
Food packaging innovations in the context of a sustainable circular economy – Natalie Gontard, Research Director at INRA (National Institute for Agronomical
Research) France
Future food packaging to meet changing supply chains – Scott A. Morris, Professor, University of Illinois
Future of food packaging design – Dan Ahern, Director of Global Innovation & Design, Graphic Packaging International
New Packaging Materials to Address Sustainability
Oct 23-27, Mumbai, India
Join me and my Co-Chair Dr. Srinivasa Gopal, Emeritus Scientist, KSACSTE Project for our “New Packaging Materials to Address Sustainability” session and my session on "Disruption and Agility to Employ More Sustainable Packaging to Reduce Food Waste". Learn more>
Disruption and Agility to Employ More Sustainable Packaging to Reduce Food Waste: My session will dive into delivering sustainable packaging and protecting food to avoid food waste is a balancing act that was a bit askew and is recalibrating with much promise. In the past, new packaging materials and lightweighting were used as “drop-in” solutions so that the same processes - manufacturing, distribution, retail, consumer use and package disposal - were used with minimal disruption. Now, unsurprisingly, sustainability and food waste goals are not attainable with these same solutions. Disruption and agility in the value chain are needed to both enable the use of more sustainable packaging and decrease food waste significantly. While not viable in the past, it is in harmony with consumer, retail, and circular economy opportunities and trends in urbanization, retail, the environment and understanding of the impact of food insecurity. Meaningful increases in sustainable packaging and decreases in food waste are attainable by reconsidering the value chain processes that define how food gets from farm to fork. This disruption creates new opportunities to use more sustainable packaging materials to and achieve food waste goals.
- Upcoming Events - Let me know if you would like to schedule a meeting at any of these events.
If you'd like to learn more on important topics like these and their potential impact on your business please call 612.807.5341 or email me.